Thursday, January 17, 2013


Valley Lifestyles is Arizona's premier lifestyle magazine

40 Valley Challenges for Your Mind, Body, and Spirit
With the help of health and lifestyle experts, we've found 40 things you can do to shake things up and try something new in the areas of fitness, nutrition, relaxation, beauty treatments and alternative approaches. Try one, two or several of them to feel refreshed, renewed, happy and healthy going into 2013.

3. Make a Small Time Commitment
"Three times a week for 45 minutes to an hour will make a huge difference to someone's quality of life."
Jody Cranston, Connection: Corporate Health

To view this article in its online format click HERE
To view this article in its original format click HERE.
To view a copy of Valley Lifestyles Magazine click HERE.

( Jody Cranston / Mainstream Media ).
( Jody Cranston / Valley Lifestyle Magazine Quote ).